02 March 2008


Bridges. Bridges are very important. Bridges are heavy on my heart and mind. The country of Iraq desperately needs good, quality bridges.

Bridges span small gaps like wadis and creeks and large obstacles like the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The people of Iraq and our senior leaders have identified about 25 bridges that are in need of repair or rebuilding. Some have had spans exploded into the Euphrates river, some have decking with a large hole in it. An enemy damaged these bridges (typically with vehicle bombs) because they want to keep the people separated and from prospering.

The Iraqi ministry responsible for bridges struggles to award contracts to rebuild these important bridges. In over a year we have had very little movement on repairing or rebuilding bridges. Many sensitive issues surround the reasons for the inactivity. In the mean time, the people of Iraq suffer without the bridges.

You may have read about “reconciliation” in the newspaper. Our senior leaders discuss and receive military briefings on reconciliation efforts throughout Iraq. Reconciliation is more than a casually used word here, it is a word of force and action – it receives financial and soldier resources – from both the Embassy and the Multi National Force – Iraq (MNF-I).

If you are separated from a person or from God, you need to be reconciled so the relationship can be restored. If you are on one side of a canyon and you want to build a relationship with a person or with God on the other side, you need a bridge. Bridges help bring reconciliation. Iraq needs bridges -- good, strong, permanent bridges – both physically and relationally.

My Army organization, the Gulf Region Division, is responsible for working with a particular Iraqi ministry to rebuild bridges, and we need guidance and wisdom on how to proceed. Please keep bridges in your thoughts and prayers.

I am back from my “battlefield circulation” around Iraq and am now in the seat as Deputy Commander. I hope to blog more regularly as my schedule allows. I can feel your thoughts and prayers and I appreciate them so much.


Anonymous said...

Bridges it is. They will be in my prayers and of course I'll share the request. Bridges of all sorts as you mentioned. Thanks so much for your heart and letting the Lord use your presence as well as your talents in that place. Prayer are for daily provision of every sort for you and of course for your family. Blessings, Lynda

Anonymous said...

Vince, thanks so much for your analogy of the bridges in Iraq to a bridge to God. We miss you back home and are praying for your safety while in Iraq and safe return.