27 March 2008

A Little Noisy Lately

(Betsy writing for Vince)

You may have seen reports recently of rockets and mortars in the Green Zone. They have experience a lot of shelling every since Easter Sunday. Now whenever Vince goes outside it's in full 'battle rattle,' body armor and helmet. He's fine. Work changes a little since they go to lock down every time there is incoming, but mostly life is the same.

Easter Sunday he was planning to get up earlier, jog from 5:30 to 6 and then head to a 6:30 am service. He messed up his alarm setting, and by the time he got up they were in lock down. Later he found out a rocket hit about 100 feet from the running track at 5:50 am. That changed his perspective on the day. We are thankful.

I wish I had more to say, but mostly I wanted to let everyone know that he's fine. I talk to him for a few minutes almost every day, usually before he goes to bed. He's working very long hours so he's just tired.


Mtverbena said...

Vince, glad you are ok after the incoming. You remain in my constant prayers, as well as your family. I love you all very much. Thank you for your commitment to God's calling in your life. You are a good example for all of us. FYI- Texas is in the elite 8. Way to go! Love, your sis- Theresa

Tammi said...

We are glad you are ok, isn't God awesome! We will continue to keep you in our prayers for a safe return home to your family. Hoping they are all well also. Thank you for all you are doing for us and our country.
We love you
Your cousin Tammi and Family

Anonymous said...

Col. Vince, just wanted to check your blog about the recent shelling in your area. Praise God that you didn't set your alarm correctly---it would have been a very rude awakening on that running track when that rocket hit nearby--Thank Him you were safe. Remember that you are never far from me and Merri Lynne's thoughts and prayers for you, Betsy and the kids. Will and Merri Lynne

Anonymous said...

I've been teaching in the kid's church and we were studying how to trust God in everything... your littlest shared his version of the story and told the other kids that he trusts God to take care of his dad.... we all can learn a lot from kids. Just wanted you to know that your thought of constantly and prayed over thoroughly. Continue the wonderful job!!! Marcia R.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you have some fine folks
praying for you, Betsy and kiddos.
Please know Your Aunt Mary and I are saying our prayers for you also. The power of prayer is ever
present in all our lives.
Thank you with all our hearts for what you are doing for our America,
the greatest nation on God's green
Love and respect from us in Amarillo, Texas
Aunt Mary and Uncle Dave

Dave Rogers said...

You have a lot of fine folks praying for you, Betsy and kiddos.
Please know your Aunt Mary and I are so proud of you and your work
over there under very precarious
Stay well and safe and God Bless.
Aunt Mary and Uncle Dave